Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thesis Statement

Making a thesis statement is not that simply as what I have ever thought. Looking at the guidance that given by Dr Edwin, a thesis statement has to be in one sentence and it must be an arguable one.

Actually, before this, I think I have taken a writing course which teaches how to come out with thesis statement. We were acquired to attend the course when we were in college. I think it was my 2nd semester of year one. However, after a few semesters, I think I almost forgot what and how to deal with it.

Personally, I think that coming out with a thesis statement is indeed a difficult task to do. I have some thesis statements before I come out with the right one. Some of them are about Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and about Pip’s changes in becoming a gentleman in Great Expectation by Charles Dickens. I have prepared them so that if Dr Edwin rejects one of it, I still have another one.

Unlucky me, I have forgotten to bring the book that I write my thesis statement. So, on the day that Dr Edwin wants us to write our thesis statement on the board, I have to think of something else immediately! All that I can think at that time was King Lear! I was so glad that my thesis statement was accepted after the first rejection! Huhuhuhu……

My thesis statement was: Lear’s moral blindness made him a failed father

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