Friday, February 15, 2008

Education as burden and harm?

I believe nowadays education is absolutely an important element in order to have a complete life as a person for everyone in this whole world. No matter what stage of educations that we learnt, have or acquire but still, we do need it undoubted. Most of us definitely think that we need education to improve our life, the way we think and many other reasons.

Yet, have you ever thought that education can bring harm and burden to our life? I myself have never thought so. Nevertheless, when we were introduce the poem Only the Moon written by Wang May by Dr Edwin, I realized that there differences between the way we perceive things when we were child and young and when we have grown up, be an adult with educations.

As what I understand from that poem, education seemed to kill a person’s imagination as the persona at first can see whatever she imagine and it’s so unpredictable because most of the predictions that we made did not match with what the writer had. The writer first mentioned that I only saw what I wanted to see and it then change to only the moon, nothing but the moon. It is obvious that she can see what see used to see anymore as a child.

Here, I think as the persona grows older with education, she seemed to lose what she used to have when she was young. May be we were too restricted by the rules and regulations as have educations. But isn’t that the truth? We learn about facts and not imaginations or fairy tales at schools, right? However, I think it depends on how serious we see something. I think we can still have imaginations like a child if we give a room to ourselves and do not be so stress.

Nevertheless, I also think that the poem Only the Moon really have an issue that everyone should read it even though it only have few lines with simple words. Here I put in the poem. Enjoy!

Only the Moon

When I was a child I thought

The new moon was a cradle

The full moon was granny’s face

The new moon was a banana

The full moon was a bi round cake

When I was a child

I never saw the moon

I only saw what I wanted to see

And now I see the moon

It’s the moon

Only the moon, and nothing but the moon.

Wong May

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