Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I think I did learn a lot by taking this course plus I had an absolutely great lecturer. I was so surprised that Mukhriz Mahadhir was one of his students and I bet he even still respects and remember my lecturer until today! Through this blog activity too, I found out that I do change from time to time. Actually this is not the first time we were given this kind of task. I still remember the first time I was doing this task. I do not even know what I should write. Most of the time, I tend to look for the information in the internet and give some opinions before publish it and that’s all. In contrast to what I am doing right now, I often do not realize that I have written much more than what I used to even though this time my lecturer did not give to us the specific topics to write.

However, I sometimes do not know am that I doing the right thing or not because some of my friends told me that they write critically in their blog. On the other hand, I do not really know whether mine is as critical as theirs or not. What would others think of me when they read my blog….I hope I am on the right track. Plus, all the things that I write in my blog are in fact what I think, felt and understand from this course and not other people’s ideas or writing.

Yet, I think by involving in this kind of activity does encourage me to write. It has been a quite time that I do not write a diary. I guessed this blogging stuff at least help me write something that had happened in my life. In addition, I think it does sounds great when telling people that you have to write blog in your course. It is not just like writing a journal in the book where not many people can view or read it. Again, I think this activity is absolutely a great experience to me.

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