Sunday, February 24, 2008

Malaysian Celebrations

Before this, I never thought that there are so many festivals that were celebrated in Malaysia. Am I being ignorant? Em… I do not think so. It is because some of the celebrations are only some of people that were in certain religions and races. Lucky me to have Dr Edwin as my lecturer since it was him that wants us to list down all the celebrations.

At first, all the celebrations that are listed down seem to be relevant and I do know them. However, after Dr Edwin asked for more celebrations, some of my classmates have listed down a whole lot more celebrations that a few of them are rarely heard or really celebrated. In the end, there are about 32 of them! These celebrations then are put into three categories; religion, cultural practices and races, and others. It was fun listing down and discussing about these different celebrations. Yet, it turned to be the other way round when we were assigned to do research on each of the celebrations. It is definitely be an easy task for common celebrations like Hari Raya Eid Fitri, Chinese New Year, Christmas and Deepavali but it would be in contrast to celebrations such as Vasakhi, Nuzul Quran and Cheng Beng (Honouring Ancestors).

Nevertheless, we managed to give information on each of the 32 celebrations through the end of the task! Dr Edwin said that he would compile all of the celebrations and put it in CDs before publish them. I would wait for the day it is publish. I hope it is not a dream! It would be the happiest one to see our work publish!

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