I do believe that teaching is not an easy job to be done and involve in. It is in fact, something important because it deals with human, not a toy plus their future. Teachers are the one that going to give the needed input for the students. In Freedom Writer, I tend to understand that we cannot do too many things in one time. As what had happened to Miss G, she has to give in her marriage since she had been given more attention to her students compared to her husband. Perhaps may be it happened due to the reason that her husband is not from the same line as her; I mean a teacher like her. Probably if he is a teacher like her, he would better or may be he himself get involve directly or help her in teaching the students. However, I think she gets paid off when almost all of her students are succeed and I can see that they respect and appreciate her so much. In the story too, I get to understand that not all teachers have the same goal and expectations on their students. I guessed it depends on individual goal. May be some of them are just looking for names, raised pay check and others.
Again, I do not know whether I can be like her. Personally, even if I can, I would be very pleased and glad if I can be a teacher like Dr Edwin.
Here, I include the picture of the movie 'Freedom Writer' where you can see the picture of Hillary Swank. You can also visit the website of the movie: http://www.freedomwriters.com/
since this movie is based on true story, you can also visit the website at this address: http://www.freedomwritersfoundation.org/